
Problem Coping?

We have shifted to a BIGGER space in Paya Lebar Square w.e.f 18 June 2024 (5 years in PLS)!

I help troubled/ stressed people to combat their mental/ psychological related issues, using counselling and advanced hypnosis techniques, all delivered safely, quickly and effectively.  Please enquire about our new options and revised rates. You will be glad you did 🙂

Book Free 45mins Pre-Consultation (Zoom / Onsite)

Regain Your Life

Free 45mins Pre-Consultation

I help overly-stressed &/ depressed professionals to see there is indeed light in the tunnel, quickly find the way out, and start enjoying life again.

Book Free 45mins Pre-Consultation (Zoom / Onsite)

Restore Your Confidence

Free 45mins Pre-Consultation

I help distressed individuals to overcome their anxieties &/ distraction habits, restore positive self-image, and become confident again.

Book Free 45mins Pre-Consultation (Zoom / Onsite)

Have your Bars run?

Free 45mins Pre-Consultation

I run Access Bars to allow any individual to be more present in their life, have more joy, and receive more than they have before!

Book Free 45mins Pre-Consultation (Zoom / Onsite)
Both Online & Onsite option available
Using online Zoom or onsite 1:1, I will work with you to overcome any obstacles you are facing in view of the current situation.
Professional Hypnotherapy
Using advanced phased approach hypnosis work to speed up the restoration and install lasting positive change.
Self-Esteem. Self-Image. Self-Reliance.
Using powerful hypnotic techniques to take back control and affect the behavioral transformation quickly.
Access Consciousness. Access Bars.
How does it get any better than this? What else is possible? What are the infinite possibilities?

Latest Announcements

  1. MindEase has climbed to Top 6 Best Hypnotherapist in Singapore!
  2. Free Deep Sleep Hypnotic Anchor from recent CareBio’s Health Talk is available! 
  3. MindEase has onboarded WhatsDoc‘s telemed platform as an Allied Healthcare service provider.  Download the WhatsDoc app (iOS/ Android) here.
  4. Patrick has spoken in BNI Singapore Affinity Chapter on “How to Sleep Better” topic.  The full 8 minutes presentation is available below.
  5. Patrick has spoken during a Facebook Live event on an extended version of “How to Sleep Well” workshop (50mins) to Aman Wellness’ tribes.  The Replay link is available below.
  6. Patrick has shared his Journey with Depression in a Facebook interview with Precious Wellness, interviewed by Karen Piper.  The Playback link is available here.
  7. MindEase is ranked second in the Best 10 Hypnotherapy Clinic in Singapore.
  8. Extended onsite hours (till 9:30pm Mon-Fri, and 7pm Sat) have been updated in the Contact Me page as well as the Appointment Booking system.
  9. With effect from 3 Oct 2021, MindEase has shifted to Paya Lebar Square (more accessible and conducive space)!
  10. MindEase is proud to be onboard to Atome – Asia’s leading Buy Now Pay Later brand. 3 easy payments, with 0% interest. More details here
  11. New revised pricing and various therapy plans effective have been updated on the Pricing Page.
  12. MindEase has been awarded the Best Hypnotherapy Service Provider (Singapore) and the Most Patient-Focused Hypnotherapist 2021 (Singapore): Patrick Ho respectively by APAC Business Insider
  13. MindEase Store is opened with carefully curated products.  Free shipping within Singapore included.  Check it out

I Understand You … 

The Common Problems

According to a Business Insider (an SPH Digital) news article report, the second Singapore Mental Health Study conducted in 2016 on 6,126 Singaporeans and Permanent Residents, revealed that 1 out of 7 Singapore people (~15%) had experienced specific mood, anxiety, or alcohol use disorders in their lifetime.

Among these conditions, depression was the most common mental disorder, with 1 in 16 (~7 %) population have had the disease at some point in their lives.

If you are having any of the below issues, I can echo what you think and feel right now. I have been through most of these frustrations and know precisely how it feels to be in this kind of mental state.  It’s not fun 🙁

Overly Stressed & Depressed

You are tired, feeling stressed, and depressed perpetually. The negative self-talk clouds your mind all the time and seeing no hope of the future. You are at the cross-road. You have lost your passion and lack the drive to move forward. You are on the brink of giving up.

Anxieties & Distractions

You feel anxious for no apparent reason. You overly worried. You develop excessive habits or addictions (shopping, eating, drinking, smoking, etc.) that are just a distraction to escape the underlying lousy feeling. You self-punish. Your negative self-image sees you don’t deserve a good life. You lost all your confidence.

Bottleneck/ Stuck

You hit the bottleneck and can’t progress any further, no matter how hard you try. Something always seems to hold you back. You have been staying in the plateau for the longest time. Or even worst, you have got yourself into a rut, and never be able to crawl out from it.

Sleeping Difficulties

You yearn to have a restful sleep even though you are dead drained, mentally or physically. However, the more you try, the harder it is to fall asleep, and that makes you feel even more anxious. Or, you wake up early in the wee hours and can’t go back to sleep again, regularly.

Services Offered

The Extraordinary Solutions

You might have just started your lookout for solutions (like searching on the internet or talking to people), or you might already have tried various means (like seeing counselor, psychologist, or even psychiatrist doctor) to alleviate the problems and stop the sufferings altogether. Nevertheless, nothing seems to have worked out yet. The progress is slow, or the issues keep coming back and continue to bother you.

Worse still, this is starting to affect your daily work-life balance. You begin to find it difficult to even cope with it. You want to get over with it quickly so as to get back to the normal healthy you. You still have many dreams that you wish to pursue in life …

Similar to what I shared in my story, I believe Hypnosis and/ Access Bars® by Access Consciousness might also well be the most suitable treatment modalities specific to your situation, that you should seriously consider giving it your best shot.  Please feel free to continue to learn more about my services.  When you are ready, just click the blue Book Free Consultation button to schedule an appointment.  I shall meet you in my office (or via Zoom) to discuss more on what is the best course of action that I could tailor specifically for you.

Book Free 45mins Pre-Consultation (Zoom / Onsite)
Individual 1:1 Hypnotherapy

5 to 6 onsite hypnosis sessions, undergo the proven US-originated 5-PATH® Hypnotherapy process, weed out the problem root cause, and introduce back the right mindset.

Individual 1:1 Self-Hypnosis

3 onsite sessions + 2 online/ phone follow-up sessions, learn the powerful 7th Path Self-Hypnosis® (basic + advance), a holistic mind-body-spirit approach to self-improvement and the perfect supplement to hypnotherapy.

Individual 1:1 Access Bars

Single session to experience the Access Bars® run, or 5-sessions package to strengthen &/ maintain, as well as to learn the additional Access Consciousness clearing statements (on abundance, health, wealth etc.) and bodily technique.

Group Training/ Team Building

Learn 7th Path Self-Hypnosis® with a group of like-minded people/ friends.  Plan a group hypnosis as your next team building activity.  Discover other self-hypnosis and mindfulness relaxation techniques in a fun-filling and relaxed settings.

Questions clients ask

Top Frequent Questions

I have selected the Top 12 key questions, each with a simple answer, to help aid understanding.  For a complete list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), please visit here.

What is Hypnosis, and why does it work?

Hypnosis is a relaxed, focused and heightened mental state perfect for accepting positive suggestions.  It is when deep in hypnosis that we get to work with our most powerful subconscious mind to effect lasting, positive change.

Can I be hypnotised, and what if I can't?

Everyone with normal intelligence who is not having psychosis can be hypnotised.  With practice, everyone can get hypnotised quicker and easier with time.

How long does it take to get into the hypnotic state?

With the modern hypnotic techniques I am using, my clients enter into deep hypnotic state within few minutes (rapid) or few seconds (instant).

Do I still have full control of myself during hypnosis?

Absolutely.  You remain conscious throughout the session although in a much relaxed state mentally and physically.  You can emerge from hypnosis at your own will anytime.  Your subconscious mind will not allow anything harmful to you happen while you are in hypnosis.

Apart from common mental ailments (eg depression/ anxiety/ sleep disorder), what else can be treated by Hypnosis?

Apart from aforementioned, hypnotherapy is proven that can be used to treat many mental and behavioral related problems, such as Weight Loss, Stop Smoking, Phobia/ Fear, Anger Management, Trauma/ PTSD, OCD, Grief and Loss, etc.  For a full list, please visit the 5-PATH Hypnosis service page.

What is the success rate of Hypnosis, as compared to other treatment modalities, and how long does the improvement last?

According to Hypnosis Comparison Study conducted by Alfred A. Barrios, Ph.D, the different success rate is:

What is the difference between 5-PATH® Hypnosis and 7th Path Self-Hypnosis®?

5-PATH (acronym for Five Phase Advanced Transformational Hypnosis) is conducted by a certified 5-PATH Hypnotist working closely with the client in a systematic phased manner (not necessarily limited to just 5 sessions) to uncover and resolve the underlying bothering issue at the root cause, and reinstate the desired mindset moving forward.

Whereas 7th Path Self Hypnosis is practised by the individual in private, following a structured process, in a totally self-help manner.  7th Path Self Hypnosis can be learnt and practised standalone, or used to complement 5-PATH, as an invaluable on-going support tool.

For more details, please visit the respective 5-PATH Hypnosis and 7th Path Self Hypnosis service page.

How does 7th Path Self Hypnosis® differ from other ordinary Self-Hypnosis method?

Classical Self-Hypnosis are either Self Induced or listening to recording.  7th Path is different with its 4 unique aspects:

  1. Mind-Body-Spirit aproach: holistic and more powerful as it involves one’s highest belief system
  2. Deprogramming: neutralise problematic limiting beliefs first, so as to be more receptive to positive suggestions
  3. Affect based: resolve repressed emotion to instill behavioral change
  4. Insightful process: generate insight to provide and support long term change

For more details, please visit the 7th Path Self-Hypnosis service page.

How does Hypnosis differ from NLP (Neuro-Linguistics Programming)?

NLP has one of its origins from hypnosis and hypnotherapy.  NLP uses different VAK (Visual, Auditory and Kinestic – touch/ feeling) techniques and works top down with the conscious mind.  NLP does not do much induction whereas Hypnosis after induction and deepening works directly with the subconscious mind to effect lasting and permanent positive change.

What is Access Bars®, and how does it work?

Access Bars is a hands-on energy therapy.  By lightly touching 32 points on the head, it can induce your body’s self healing capacity to stop the chatter in the mind, and let go all the self-imposed limitations so that you have the choice to create all you want in life with Ease, Joy and Glory!  For more details, please visit the Access Bars service page.

Can I just have my Access Bars® run, without doing Hypnosis, and vice versa?

Absolutely.  Access Bars is a healing modality which is non-invasive that works directly at one’s energy level, energise it to intiate the self-releasing of any limitating thoughts.  Access Bars can be run on its own, or as a complement to Hypnosis as it calms one’s mind, and expedites the hypnosis results, by opening up the possibilities one can experience.

Likewise, Hypnosis can be done on its own (be it with 5-PATH Hypnotherapy and/ 7th Path Self-Hypnosis), though 7th Path Self-Hypnosis will complement perfectly with the 5-PATH Hypnotherapy.  Nevertheless, having Access Bars run, even with just one session, can be a bonus to open up more possibilty in new way of thinking, as Access Consciousness believes things can only get better.

How long does each therapy session take for a) Hypnosis, b) Access Bars®? Can I do Hypnosis together with Access Bars® in the same session?

The very first Hypnosis session can take up to 2 hours.  Subsequent session will be 90 to 120 mins.

For Access Bars, each session will be around 90 mins.

Therefore, it is not possible to do a full Access Bars with Hypnosis in the same session.  A shorter Access Bars (maybe 15-20mins) can be attempted to calm the mind down to get into hypnotic state easier, if situation requires.

My Biography

About Me

Hi there, thank you for visiting my website.

My name is Patrick Ho.  I can empathise how you (or your close family member/ friend) who is suffering from mental ailment feel because I had been a victim of depression myself, not knowing it had been brewing for years until it breakout and sent my life into a spin, made me live in a daze for months, and wondering why I had lost my drive to work, dream of hope and the meaning of life …

Like a coin has two sides, every crisis behind lies an opportunity, and every cloud has a silver lining.  These pearls of wisdom can’t be any more true.  It was through hypnotherapy and ongoing self-hypnosis work, that I pick myself up.

It is my mission now to advocate the value of hypnosis and other self-healing technique that can be an effective and immediate help to working professionals who are experiencing burnout, or other mental caused issues that are draining their energy and zest, to re-enjoy their life again.  After all, there is no better antidote other than directly addressing the root cause of the problem – the incongruency between our conscious and subconscious minds, and working with the mind to correct the wrong perception and reinstate the right mindset.

When the minds are aligned,

life will be at ease.

To know more about my personal story on how I combat depression, and my journey to become a Certified Consulting Hypnotist, please continue here.

I would like to meet you!

Taking the first step is always not easy.  Whether you are ready to start or you just want to explore further, why not give me a chance to explain to you in person about the various options available in greater detail?  I am pretty confident that you will feel more relieved after you start to let it out – no matter how little it is at the beginning.  You will be glad that you did, trust me 😉  And free cuppa on me too if we are meeting in my office!!

Book Free 45mins Pre-Consultation (Online via Zoom or Onsite at Paya Lebar Square)
What our customers say

Client Testimonials

The first session of Access Bars has been a great help to me. I feel less tired, more energetic than before straight after the hypnosis session. I had a very good sleep about 5 hours but a quality one.
Miss K
East, Singapore (Healing from past experiences)

Only just 1 session, Patrick was able to bring me back to the past and peel off layer by layer to find out my core belief system to understand better on my current situation. The session was effective, straight to the point and the feeling is indescribable. I couldn't wait to have the 2nd session to unleash more potential within me.
Mr M
South, Singapore (Life purpose and unleashing potential)

Just one Access Bars session, to help release the self imposed limitation (constant worry of the detrimental effect of sleeping pill) and help discharge the negativity about body and towards life.
Mdm L
South, Singapore (Sleeping order & Anxiety)

Just one Hypnosis session can induce habitual change that had been formed for years!
Mdm C
East, Singapore (Habitual change)

Combination of Access Bars and Hypnosis to improve on Blushing, Social Anxiety and Fear of Meeting new people!
Ms G
East, Singapore (Blushing, Social Anxiety, Fear)
Informational Posts

Read Blog Articles

I intend to publish at least 2 useful blog articles per month, to keep this website content up to date with the latest development in Hypnosis, Sub Consciousness mind research, or just my general viewpoints on our surroundings.

PS: You may drag at a blog post left-right (or sweep left-right from your touch screen mobile device) to view different blog post quickly.  I hope you enjoy the reading!

Please Share this to others who may be benefited. Thank you!