
How to Support a Loved One Who is in Anxiety Counseling/Therapy?

Watching someone you love experience depression or anxiety can be painful. Anxiety or depression disorders can be frustrating for the person experiencing it and difficult to understand for the loved one trying to help. Sometimes, it can be tough to live with someone with anxiety. You may want to help them but feel helpless about what to do or say. That’s where a therapist can help. You can take the assistance of a reliable therapist offering anxiety counseling in Singapore.

anxiety counseling

People with anxiety may have extreme difficulty and they may be overly concerned about events or situations. Therefore, if someone you care about is in anxiety counseling or therapy, here are some tips to help them.

Continue reading to know these

  1. Show Patience – It is essential to refrain from judging or commenting on a person who is dealing with anxiety. Show them unconditional positive regard without judging them. Ask about how they are doing and how you can help them. Listen to them and provide emotional support whenever needed. People with anxiety may find it difficult to ask for help, but it can be life-changing to have someone to help.
  2. Give Some Space – People going through anxiety need some more space and social time-outs to self-reflect, heal, and recharge themselves and work on their development and growth. It’s important to find a good balance because feeling very sad or anxious might make someone want to be alone for a long time, trying to avoid things. But if this continues, they might become more and more isolated and withdrawn in the future. Therefore, by consulting with a reputable therapist providing anxiety therapy in Singapore would be helpful.
  3. Keep Checking Them – It is essential to check in on a person dealing with anxiety and depression to know what they are doing. They may gravitate towards isolated when not checked in. So, it’s important to show that you care about them and think about them.
  4. Invite them to do Healthy Activities – There are numerous healthy habits that can combat the symptoms of depression and anxiety. Things like eating healthy, getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, getting sunshine daily, doing fun activities, restricting too much sugar or alcohol, and practicing meditations can help.

Instead of just telling them, engage in these activities and ask them to join you. Set positive examples by doing these activities, it will positively affect them.

In a Nutshell

It can be tough to watch a loved one or family member struggling with anxiety, but there are things you can do to help them. You can seek external support to overcome the situation. A trusted therapist or mental health professional providing anxiety therapy in Singapore can give you the support that you need to be the best person you can be for both yourself and your loved one.

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