
Fall asleep fast method

Fall asleep fast method

If you are currently suffering from insomnia, or occasionally can’t fall asleep as easy as before, fear not.  Let me share with you a method, that will help to calm your mind down, and ease the sleep.

Apart from the sleeping hygiene tips, as advocated by IMH of Singapore, there are indeed some additional tricks that worth exploring and trying.

Next time when you are having difficulty falling asleep, and have tried all other means, why not give the following simple steps a trial?

  1. Assuming you are lying down (which I believe is the usual sleeping position most of us do, right), observe your environment.  Feel and tell yourself the truth of your observations:
    • I am lying down on my bed, my head is resting on my pillow.  I can feel the support of the pillow (feel the firmness/ softness of it) (Kinesthetic).
    • It’s total darkness that my eyes can’t see anything, or there is faint light afar (Visual).
    • The environment is so silent (or not so silent) that I can’t hear anything, (or can I hear the second hand movement sound) (Auditory).
      Note that I am borrowing the VAK sensation that NLP method always focus on. In fact, all the above prep steps we are using VAK to short-circuit to directly communicate to our subconscious mind.
  2. Once we are in VAK mode, our subconscious mind is convinced and agreed.  Next we proceed to give direct suggestion.  Just repeat telling yourself silently in your mind. “I am getting more and more relaxed”. “As my body relaxes, my mind relaxes, and my body relaxes much further”.  In a way, we are repeating the command to ourself to help drift into slumberland.
  3. To compound this deepening, we can also use the breathing method as I mentioned in my other blog post here, by telling ourself that the more deep breathing I have, the more relax I become, and I am breathing in deeper and slower.

In no time, you will drift into sleep soundly.  Before that, don’t forget to plant in more suggestions to tell yourself when you wake up next morning feeling totally energized and refreshed, and ready for an awesome day 🙂  Sweet dream everyone!

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