
How to help our children sleep better

How to help our children sleep better

I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Dr Janell Lee (www.kidzphysio.com) this morning via Zoom. Yes, in the midst of the current COVID-19 situation ?, everybody has to be creative to find new means to communicate/ work.

Dr Lee (or Jan) was very vivid and I thoroughly enjoyed this interview with her virtually. We had planned this like a few weeks ago, but I prepared a detailed script only yesterday afternoon, so you could see me glancing it from time to time.?

The information we covered was indeed quite broad. If we could already cover so much over the 30mins, how much more do you think we could help if we are doing it face-to-face?

I would like to hear your thoughts and comments, either below, or in our social media.

Please feel free to suggest any future topics that you would like to cover also.

For a full transcript and audio recording that covers below topics in details, please unlock the contents here by subscribing to our Newsletter.  Thank you.

Outline of the Interview

  1. What is Hypnosis in easy-to-understand terms
  2. The History of Hypnosis
  3. Why Hypnosis is all-natural and scientific
  4. How to diagnose Children’s sleeping challenge (Physical & Mental)
  5. How to help children sleep better and fall asleep easily
  6. What is the “Fall Asleep Fast Method” and “Instant Relieve & Relax Method”
  7. The short circuit way to communicate directly to our Subconscious Mind
  8. The script used to relax mind/ body, and the direct suggestions used
  9. How to ensure sleep through the night and have a better quality of sleep (applies to Parents, too)
  10. The correct way of doing direct suggestion
  11. Access Bars (briefly touch on only) vs Hypnosis
  12. Special discount code for Kidzphysio referral


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