You may wonder what an interesting title. Why increase frequency?
According to an HK YouTuber whom I respect very much, 5mins becomes Master (5 Gor) channel, the key to the success of “Law of Attraction” is rested only on 2 words (频率), in other words, Frequency. We are all made up of energy, and energy is none other than frequency. The ability to discern the composition and difference of energy is therefore of paramount importance.
When we would like to manifest positive good things to ourselves, we need to stay on a path of high frequency, as like attracts like, simple as that. For a frequency chart by the famous David R. Hawkins (Power vs Force book), please refer to the below hyperlink for the English “Map of Consciousness”. Note the frequency is at a Logorimatic scale. Very hard to achieve a scale of 200. And it is nearly impossible if not extremely difficult to achieve higher unless one is really enlightened.
5 Gor went further to quote from a Bulgarian Channeller Marina Jocobi’s “Quantum Manifestation” Theory, that all the possible scenarios already exist in the quantum realm. If we stay in low frequency, we will only be experiencing those unpleasant things associated with low frequency, and we will run into it again and again, like in a rut, no wonder people keep complaining. To start experiencing good scenarios, we need to increase the frequency that we are operating.
To jump from a low frequency to a higher one, what we need to do is to attune our frequency by changing our Thought, Behaviour, or Emotion to be more positive.
As we know that Thought <> Emotion <> Behaviour is all interrelated. We can always influence our Actions or Thinking. In the beginning, it may be difficult or not even feeling natural to change, as we had been conditioned for so long while we are inside the rut. Thus, the say ‘Fake it fake it, until you make it” is very true. Like the great William Shakespeare said “Life is like a stage. We are all actors.” We just need to remind ourselves we are acting out. And we can always change the script, improvise it to suit our style and feel. Like happy script produces a happy ending. We don’t necessarily always play out the victim role. Why not change it and be the victor instead? ✌
I am ready to operate and stay in the high frequency at all times. How about you? ?
PS: Embedding 5Gor’s original YouTube videos below. If you understand Cantonese, hope you will like them. Cheers.
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