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6 Essential Things to Know About Insomnia to Manage it Properly

Sleep plays a crucial role in our quality of life. If you are not getting quality sleep on a regular basis, it is likely to have a major impact on your overall well-being. Insomnia is the most common sleep disorder recognized by symptoms like trouble falling asleep, waking up too early, consistently interrupted sleep, etc.

If you are facing any of the symptoms, here are some important things you should know about insomnia that can help you manage it properly.

  1. Types of Insomnia
    Let us first start by understanding the common types of insomnia.
    Acute insomnia: This condition is experienced for a short period of time and usually does not require treatment. It can occur due to various medications, stress, or health problems. Acute or primary insomnia disappears on its own.
    Chronic Insomnia: Sleep disturbances that last for months are identified as chronic insomnia. It can occur due to psychological factors or situations around the person. Chronic Insomnia requires attention from a specialist to identify the underlying causes and develop a tailored treatment plan.
  2. Possible Causes of Insomnia
    Many underlying issues can cause insomnia, these issues determine whether the insomnia is chronic or acute. Common causes of insomnia include relationship issues, medications, psychiatric problems, irregular work hours, etc. Sleeping disorder treatment in Singapore begins with identifying the possible causes of insomnia.
  3. A Disorder or Symptom
    Insomnia is a difficult condition to treat since it can be a disorder or a symptom of other issues. So, an accurate diagnosis of underlying issues is very important. Sometimes a medical condition such as pain, acid reflux, sleep apnea, or frequent need to urinate can cause insomnia. It is also common in people with stress.
  4. Risk Factors
    Women are 40% more likely than men to develop this order. Also, the elderly have a higher chance of getting diagnosed with insomnia because biological clocks get weaker as people age. A sedentary lifestyle, caffeine consumption, and alcohol or tobacco use can also expose a person to the risk of insomnia. Furthermore, this sleep disorder can also be genetically inherited by individuals.
  5. Long-term Problem
    Insomnia typically tends to be a long-term problem that lasts for several years. During this period, patients can experience cycles of improvement, relapses, and remissions.
  6. Treatment
    Fortunately, the condition is treatable, and you must know that occasional sleep problems don’t mean you have insomnia. But if you are losing sleep regularly it is time to look for a solution to this problem. Lack of sleep can also lead to symptoms such as fatigue, irritability, mood swings, and difficulty concentrating. These symptoms affect your quality of life and expose you to serious threats like road accidents.

Insomnia is a common sleep disorder that affects roughly one-third of the population. Older adults, women, and people with mental health issues are at more risk of this sleep disorder. Stress, medication, and certain medical health conditions can also be contributing factors for Insomnia.

At MindEase, we combine hypnotherapy and counselling to identify the underlying causes of insomnia and provide sleeping disorder treatment in Singapore to help you get through this phase.

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