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Access Body Process (MTVSS)
The question still stands: are you ready for some really dynamic change?
Would you like to
– Boost your immune system?
– Have greater ease in and with your body?
– Have more energy?
– Undo programming which has distorted the blueprint of your bodies?
Would you like to have a unique communion with your body, create more ease and less pain, and to have the choice to look totally different?
MTVSS can facilitate a body to change and transform.
What is MTVSS (Molecular Terminal Valence Sloughing System)?
MTVSS is a dynamic hands-on body process that can be used a thousand different ways and each time it creates a different possibility.
It undo almost any way the body is malfunctioning.
It can undo ways that our bodies have been altered through all time, space, dimensions and realities including being implanted.
MTVSS is one of THE most dynamic hands-on tools of Access
It can be run on the Immune System, individual organs, ALL the systems of the body, including Electric, CNS, Skeletal, Dermal, etc.
MTVSS unlocks programs, implants, distorted blueprints to allow our bodies to function with Ease, Joy, and Glory!
Benefits of having MTVSS run on you include:
- Activating, Boosting and Stimulating your immune system
- Boosting and Stimulating the:
- Central Nervous System
- Metabolism
- Respiratory System
- Digestive System
- Lymphatic & Hormone System and more
- Greater communion with your body.
When was the last time you asked your body what it wanted to eat?
What exercise did it want to do? What did it want to wear? How much sleep it would like?…
- Undoing trauma, recent or old, in the body
- Undoing scar tissue
- Releases the points of view you have about aging
When you have a point of view about something, you lock yourself into that reality and limit other possibilities in your life. For example, many people have the point of view that as you get older, you lose your sex drive.