What is Hypnosis, and why does it work?
Hypnosis is a relaxed, focused and heightened mental state perfect for accepting positive suggestions. It is when deep in hypnosis that we get to work with our most powerful subconscious mind to effect lasting, positive change.
Can I be hypnotised, and what if I can't?
Everyone with normal intelligence who is not having psychosis can be hypnotised. With practice, everyone can get hypnotised quicker and easier with time.
How long does it take to get into hypnotic state?
With the modern hypnotic techniques I am using, my clients enter into deep hypnotic state within few minutes (rapid) or few seconds (instant).
Do I still have full control of myself during hypnosis?
Absolutely. You remain conscious throughout the session although in a much relaxed state mentally and physically. You can emerge from hypnosis at your own will anytime. Your subconscious mind will not allow anything harmful to you happen while you are in hypnosis.
Apart from common mental ailments (eg depression/ anxiety/ sleep disorder), what else can be treated by Hypnosis?
Apart from aforementioned, hypnotherapy is proven that can be used to treat many mental and behavioral related problems, such as Weight Loss, Stop Smoking, Phobia/ Fear, Anger Management, Trauma/ PTSD, OCD, Grief and Loss, etc. For a full list, please visit the 5-PATH Hypnosis service page.
What is the success rate of Hypnosis, as compared to other treatment modalities, and how long does the improvement last?
According to Hypnosis Comparison Study conducted by Alfred A. Barrios, Ph.D, the different success rate is:
What is the difference between 5-PATH® Hypnosis and 7th Path Self-Hypnosis®?
5-PATH (acronym for Five Phase Advanced Transformational Hypnosis) is conducted by a certified 5-PATH Hypnotist working closely with the client in a systematic phased manner (not necessarily limited to just 5 sessions) to uncover and resolve the underlying bothering issue at the root cause, and reinstate the desired mindset moving forward.
Whereas 7th Path Self Hypnosis is practised by the individual in private, following a structured process, in a totally self-help manner. 7th Path Self Hypnosis can be learnt and practised standalone, or used to complement 5-PATH, as an invaluable on-going support tool.
For more details, please visit the respective 5-PATH Hypnosis and 7th Path Self Hypnosis service page.
How does 7th Path Self-Hypnosis® differ from other ordinary Self-Hypnosis method?
Classical Self-Hypnosis are either Self Induced or listening to recording. 7th Path is different with its 4 unique aspects:
- Mind-Body-Spirit aproach: holistic and more powerful as it involves one’s highest belief system
- Deprogramming: neutralise problematic limiting beliefs first, so as to be more receptive to positive suggestions
- Affect based: resolve repressed emotion to instill behavioral change
- Insightful process: generate insight to provide and support long term change
For more details, please visit the 7th Path Self-Hypnosis service page.
What is Access Bars®, and how does it work?
Access Bars is a hands-on energy therapy. By lightly touching 32 points on the head, it can induce your body’s self healing capacity to stop the chatter in the mind, and let go all the self-imposed limitations so that you have the choice to create all you want in life with Ease, Joy and Glory! For more details, please visit the Access Bars service page.
Can I just have my Access Bars® run, without doing Hypnosis, and vice versa?
Absolutely. Access Bars is a healing modality which is non-invasive that works directly at one’s energy level, energise it to intiate the self-releasing of any limitating thoughts. Access Bars can be run on its own, or as a complement to Hypnosis as it calms one’s mind, and expedites the hypnosis results, by opening up the possibilities one can experience.
Likewise, Hypnosis can be done on its own (be it with 5-PATH Hypnotherapy and/ 7th Path Self-Hypnosis), though 7th Path Self-Hypnosis will complement perfectly with the 5-PATH Hypnotherapy. Nevertheless, having Access Bars run, even with just one session, can be a bonus to open up more possibilty in new way of thinking, as Access Consciousness believes things can only get better.
How does hypnosis differ from NLP (Neuro-Linguistics Programming)?
NLP has one of its origins from hypnosis and hypnotherapy. NLP uses different VAK (Visual, Auditory and Kinestic – touch/ feeling) techniques and works top down with the conscious mind. NLP does not do much induction whereas Hypnosis after induction and deepening works directly with the subconscious mind to effect lasting and permanent positive change.
How long does each therapy session take for a) Hypnosis, b) Access Bars®? Can I do Hypnosis together with Access Bars® in the same session?
The very first Hypnosis session can take up to 2 hours. Subsequent session will be 90 to 120 mins.
For Access Bars, each session will be around 90 mins.
Therefore, it is not possible to do a full Access Bars with Hypnosis in the same session. A shorter Access Bars (maybe 15-20mins) can be attempted to calm the mind down to get into hypnotic state easier, if situation requires.
What payment methods do you accept?
We accept Cash, PayNow/ DBS PayLah, Credit Card (Visa/ Master) and PayPal.
How do you know when it is time to get support? and when to stop?
Follow your heart and calling. When you have tried other means and is not working, there may be a deep seated reason behind, only your subconscious mind will know the answer. Give yourself a chance to explore more options and other healing modalities. There is no accident (see My Favourites) that have brought you to this website. When you have completed a full course, give yourself some time for the newly planted positive seeds to germinate. Change will happen definitely.
What are the Critical Success Factors (CSFs) for therapy to work?
- Trust in the process
- Willingness to follow instructions
- Determination to change and get well
- Openness to possibilities
- Intention
How long is the Free Consultation? What do I need to prepare?
免費的面對面諮詢大約需要30分鐘,在我的辦公室進行。 這是為了讓我們進行私人對話,以便我們更好地瞭解彼此,並看看我如何為您的情況提供任何説明/建議。 預約時,請在評論框中突出顯示您要處理的區域中的問題摘要。 如有必要且時間允許,我可能會在預訂系統中通過私人消息向您發送預資訊。
Will I get any reminder(s) on the appointment I had made earlier?
絕對。 自動電子郵件提醒和簡訊提醒將分別提前4小時和2小時發送。
How can I view the booking(s) I had made?
1. 如果您在進行預約時創建了帳戶,則可以通過訪問查看預約頁面來查看您所做的所有 預約 。
2.如果您之前沒有創建帳戶,您仍然可以按照 <忘記密碼> 的過程創建一個帳戶。 有關更多詳細資訊,請參閱該常見問題解答。
I had created my account before but forgotten the login password. How do I reset it?
只需按照以下 <忘記密碼> 的過程操作:
- 輸入用於創建帳戶的電子郵件位址。
- 檢查您的電子郵件中是否有金鑰。
- 輸入收到的金鑰以及要重置的新密碼
- 做。 您可以準備好使用新密碼登錄。
What are the personal information required? How secure is it? Can I login via Facebook or Google?
所需的關鍵資訊是您a) 電子郵件位址 和b) 手機號碼,用於聯繫和接收通知目的。 所有資訊都保存在我們自己的網站中,託管在安全的環境中。 數據傳輸通過SSL加密(掛鎖符號)進一步保護。
是的,我們還集成了支援 Facebook 或 Google 登錄。 這使得登錄過程更加無縫和方便。